Posts Tagged ‘faith’

Faith in the LGBT Community

Thursday, February 25th, 2010 by JEL

Representatives from Judaism and the Baptist, Episcopal and Unitarian Universalist churches recently met at the University of Maryland to discuss how homosexuality has affected their personal lives, their own congregations and their faith. The panelists’ viewpoints were scattered across the spectrum, but I found this quote quite powerful:

“Jesus doesn’t say anything about orientation in the Gospels. Instead he teaches love and compassion. If anything, the only thing he speaks out against is divorce, and you don’t see them trying to outlaw divorce. What we’re dealing with are anthropological issues about human dignity and human worth.” – Reverend Peter Antoci of the Episcopal-Anglican Campus Ministry

Haiti and Questions of Faith

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010 by JEL

Now that Haiti has been hit by a second substantial earthquake, this article gains in interest. As a believer on the ground in Haiti, how do you make sense of the death and destruction all around you? And just as you have barely begun to pick up the pieces of your life, why does the earth rumble and shake anew?

Faith and the Climate

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 by JEL

I saw an interesting story today about leaders from nine major world faiths (Baha’ism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism, Sikhism and Taoism) getting together in at Windsor Castle to talk about mobilizing their followers to combat climate change. I especially like Bill McKibben’s quotes at the bottom of the story:

“If Earth is in some way a museum of divine intent, it’s pretty horrible to be defacing all that creation.”

“And if, in Christianity and other faiths, we are called upon above all else to love God and love our neighbours, drowning your neighbour in Bangladesh is a pretty bad way to go about it.”