Posts Tagged ‘Judas’

The Judas Story

Thursday, October 29th, 2009 by JEL

You ask four people to write an account of the same incident, you’re bound to get differences in the final narrative. The Judas betrayal is just one example:

  • Matthew – Judas goes to the priests and asks what they’ll give him in return for turning over Jesus. He gets paid 30 pieces of silver on the spot. The betrayal, itself, is done with the kiss.
  • Mark – Again, Judas proactively goes to the priests, but is only “promised” money. The kiss is repeated.
  • Luke – In this account, Satan enters into Judas and gets him to go to the priests who, this time, “agree to” give him money. This is the only gospel with Jesus’ quote, “Judas, do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?” (22:48)
  • John – Satan enters Judas’s heart during the Last Supper. There’s no mention of going to the priests beforehand; Judas just appears with a detachment of soldiers and officers. There’s no mention of a kiss or of any money changing hands.