Archive for October, 2009

Interesting Shapes

Friday, October 30th, 2009 by JEL

To get the word out, we plan to send a bunch of review copies of the book to prominent, relevant figures. I ordered the books and then realized I needed boxes to send them in. I found some perfect book mailers online and they just arrived today.

Book Mailers for What He Said

Kind of a weird coincidence that the package is in the shape of a cross, no?

The Judas Story

Thursday, October 29th, 2009 by JEL

You ask four people to write an account of the same incident, you’re bound to get differences in the final narrative. The Judas betrayal is just one example:

  • Matthew – Judas goes to the priests and asks what they’ll give him in return for turning over Jesus. He gets paid 30 pieces of silver on the spot. The betrayal, itself, is done with the kiss.
  • Mark – Again, Judas proactively goes to the priests, but is only “promised” money. The kiss is repeated.
  • Luke – In this account, Satan enters into Judas and gets him to go to the priests who, this time, “agree to” give him money. This is the only gospel with Jesus’ quote, “Judas, do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?” (22:48)
  • John – Satan enters Judas’s heart during the Last Supper. There’s no mention of going to the priests beforehand; Judas just appears with a detachment of soldiers and officers. There’s no mention of a kiss or of any money changing hands.

A Big Reason for Creating What He Said

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 by JEL

Pollster George Gallup Jr. had this to say about Bible usage:

“Americans revere the Bible—but, by and large, they don’t read it.”

Why? Tyndale House Publishers ran a survey and found that people in this country don’t read the Bible because: (1) they’re too busy – 64%; and (2) it’s too confusing and hard to understand – 80%.

Hopefully What He Said, in its size and page layout, will help addresses these two concerns.

Interesting Numbers

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 by JEL

Recent research shows that 92% of American households own at least one Bible and that the average household owns three or four (depending on the study). Less than 20% read the Bible on a daily basis, 59% read it “occasionally,” and the rest, presumably, not at all. Only 14% are involved in some sort of Bible study.

All of these numbers are down from twenty years ago, yet the Bible continues to be the #1-selling book, year after year.

We’re Live!

Monday, October 26th, 2009 by JEL

After several years of discussions, dozens of design mockups, and lots of fine-tuning, What He Said is now a reality. It’s been a long, incredibly interesting journey—and the best is yet to come. As of right now, our work shifts from design and production to getting the word out and connecting people with this new, simpler, and more direct path to the words of Christ. We’re looking forward to this leg of the trip…

You can buy a copy of the book in our e-store.

Third Time’s a Charm

Monday, October 26th, 2009 by JEL

Our first proof copy of the book, while exhilarating to finally hold in your hands and flip through its pages, revealed a constraint in the printing process that we needed to address. The second proof copy saved us from making a boo-boo that would have haunted our sleep for eons. The third proof, happily, was clean! We should be ready to go very soon…