Posts Tagged ‘New York Times’

Pop Quiz!

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010 by JEL

Remember walking into your classroom in middle school or high school all relaxed and ready for a routine day? Listen, take a few notes, doodle, try to make the kid next to you laugh. Then all of the sudden, the teacher quietly asks everyone to put away their notebooks. Pop quiz! Did your pulse just shoot heavenward?

As a follow-up to the Pew Research study I posted about a couple of weeks ago, Nicholas Kristof put together the following quiz. I don’t think you’ll do very well, but you will learn how muddy the waters of religion can be.

Take the quiz >>

Jesus and Freakonomics

Friday, November 20th, 2009 by PJM

I had reason recently to search for the word “gospels.” 5,420 hits were returned. What struck me the most was how many NYT reader comments refer to them. You can try it yourself and see.

Frequently, the story that the readers are commenting on are quite secular in nature. One in particular, caught my attention in the Freakonomics Blog. A tenet of Freakonomics is that human behavior is guided by selfish incentives. A reader asked what Jesus’ incentive was in getting crucified. The blog author, Stephen Dubner, doesn’t answer the question, but we will let you know when he does. In the meantime, maybe we could sell him a book.